Independent test results demonstrate that using the Chimney Cleaning Log CCL can reduce creosote deposits in wood burning stoves and flues. The CCL in a fireplace can render the creosote more brittle and lower volatile organic compounds in the chimney. Subsequent mechanical sweepings are easier, cleaner and more effective.
Whether using an open fire or wood / multi-fuel stove, a brick, lined or stainless steel twin wall chimney, a CCL will help to prevent chimney fires. It even insures you and your home against it.
How the Chimney Cleaning Log Works:
The chimney cleaning log will burn for around 90 minutes, in which time you can enjoy the warmth of your fireplace
The smoke developed from the chimney cleaning log is charged with additives which attach themselves to the creosote deposits
Next the creosote deposits are reduced, making your next fire safer and less likely to result in a chimney fire
While burning fires over the next 1 to 2 weeks the additives from burning the chimney cleaning log will continue to treat your chimney.
When to use the Chimney Cleaning Log
It is recommended that you burn a chimney cleaning log once every 60 fires or as required, such as the start and end of winter (or when your fire is in the most use).
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