New Product Images for Chimney Cowl Products
I often speak about how proud I ‘am of our family business, Chimney Cowl Products and our continued success each day.
Neave has recently found a new interest and many talents in photography and has recently taken charge of Krysy’s (mums) camera.
It’s currently the school holidays and Neave asked if she could help me.
Anyone selling their products online all know the importance of having a great picture to sell their products/business.
I gave Neave two of our best Selling Disused Chimney Caps and asked if she would take some pictures of the Chimney Caps for the website.
I captured these brilliant pictures of Neave working hard to get the very best picture possible.
They say a picture speaks a 1000 words and I’m sure you will agree that these pictures say everything.
Thank you Neave
Love Dad
Chimney Cowl Products